Men's Style & Fashion Podcast - The VOU
Men's Style and Old Money Fashion - A Podcast by The VOU Official
Men's Style & Fashion Podcast - The VOU
Vintage Menswear - A Collection from the Vintage Showroom by Josh Sims, Douglas Gunn, Roy Luckett
In today's podcast for stylish men, we discuss "Vintage Menswear - A Collection from the Vintage Showroom by Josh Sims, Douglas Gunn, and Roy Luckett," three experts in vintage menswear. Their work is an extensive collection of approximately 150 vintage menswear garments from The Vintage Showroom, a London-based company. We'll explore garments' history and design details spanning various categories, including sportswear, military attire, and workwear, from the early 20th century to the 1970s. Each garment is meticulously documented with images and descriptions highlighting its historical context, manufacturing techniques, and unique features. We'll also discuss the broader social and cultural influences shaping menswear throughout this period.
A Men's Styling Podcast Made with LOVE by The VOU's Expert Image Consultants.