Men's Style & Fashion Podcast - The VOU
Men's Style and Old Money Fashion - A Podcast by The VOU Official
Men's Style & Fashion Podcast - The VOU
Menswear Trends by Aki Choklat
In today's podcast, we discuss Aki Choklat's Menswear Trends, a guide to understanding and predicting menswear trends. Choklat traces menswear evolution through societal shifts and technological advancements to detail the methodologies for trend forecasting, including sociological theories and intuitive approaches. He analyses various consumer segments and uses key strategies and in-depth interviews with key players like -
Peter Betsche, CEO, Arvenco
David Edgar, one of the founding partners of Bureaux Design Associates (BDA)
Michael Fisher, Creative Director – Menswear, Fashion Snoops
Jaana Jätyri, founder of Trendstop
Volker Ketteniss, Head of Menswear, WGSN
Sandy MacLennan, founder of East Central Studios
Ember Todd Colour and Trend Manager for Chaco Brand, Wolverine Worldwide
Barbara Vinken, Chair of Comparative and French Literature, University of Munich
Geraldine Wharry, founder of Trend Atelier
- to explore the retail landscape for menswear in detail. As a result, we'll show you how to analyse catwalks, gather information from street-style coverage, and compare short-term and long-term forecasts to predict styling and colour trends in fashion.
A Men's Styling Podcast Made with LOVE by The VOU's Expert Image Consultants.