Men's Style & Fashion Podcast - The VOU
Men's Style and Old Money Fashion - A Podcast by The VOU Official
Men's Style & Fashion Podcast - The VOU
Menswear Revolution - The Transformation of Contemporary Men's Fashion by Jay McCauley Bowstead
In today's podcast we tackle "Menswear Revolution - The Transformation of Contemporary Men's Fashion," tracing the evolution of menswear throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries. We'll see how evolving designs reflect and shape shifting ideas about masculinity, key periods and influential designers, themes of embodied and disembodied masculinities, the rise of androgyny, the impact of subcultures, and the interplay between fashion, gender, and power. Ultimately, while menswear remains a powerful medium for expressing and contesting notions of masculinity, it is moving from rigid, traditional norms towards a more diverse and fluid understanding of male identity.
A Men's Styling Podcast Made with LOVE by The VOU's Expert Image Consultants.